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CVG Gallery Artists

Alan Newberg


CVG Artist, Ann Vogel

Ann Vogel

mixed media artist

CVG Artist Barbara Mills

Barbara Mills

mixed media artist

CVG Artist, Bill Walcott

Bill Walcott

painter and colored pencil

CVG artist, Bryce Bennett

Bryce Bennett

impressionist painter

CVG artist, Christina Bertucchi

Christina Bertucchi

mixed media

CVG Artst, Don Turriaga

Don Turriaga


CVG Artist, Erica Applewhite

Erica Applewhite


CVG Artist, Frank Carsey

Frank Carsey


CVG Artist, Heather Sibley

Heather Sibley


CVG artist, Ivy Dionne

Ivy Dionne

mixed media

CVG Artist, Jane Friedman

Jane Friedman

encaustic, oil and more

CVG Artist, John Stege

John Stege


CVG artist, Kate Vikstrom

Kate Vikstrom

watercolor painter

CVG Artist, Kay Dewar

Kay Dewar

realist painter

CVG Artist Ken Lundemo

Ken Lundemo


CVG Artist, Ken Van der Does

Ken Van der Does


CVG Artist, Laurie Barmore

Laurie Barmore

abstract expressionist painter

CVG Artist, Lou Hurlbut

Lou Hurlbut


Merle Jones

mixed media

CVG Artist, Rose Guastella

Rose Guastella

painter and potter

CVG Artist, Sherri Gamble

Sherri Gamble

plaster artisan

CVG Artist, Shirley Sakatani

Shirley Sakatani

multi media painter

CVG artist, Susan Blackburn

Susan Blackburn


CVG Artist, Suzy Kueckelhan

Suzy Kueckelhan

mixed media collage

CVG Artist, Vanessa Fadeff

Vanessa Fadeff

realist wildlife painter

CVG Artist, Veronica Lund

Veronica Lund

fiber artist

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